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Cookie Information

In compliance with EU cookie legislation, this page serves to inform visitors of cookies used on this website.

How we use cookies

Henweekends uses cookies to gain a better understanding of our customers and their needs so we can improve their online experience with us. This applies to all visitors to our website, regardless of where in the world they live.

In order to comply with EU regulations, users now have the option of accepting our cookies. Although you will still be able to access most of our content without cookies, your visit to our site would benefit from the additional functionality that cookies will provide.
Whenever a person visits this site, we collect basic information about their behaviour on our site. This includes things like what pages have been visited and how they found our website. The information we gather for these purposes does not identify anyone and we make no attempt to find out who has been to our site.

What we do gain from this information is a better understanding of what people are interested in on our website and how we can improve their experience on it.

Managing your cookies

Use your web browser's help page to manage your cookies.

To manage your Google Analytics cookies, you can visit the Google Analytics help page. However, please keep in mind that information we obtain from Google Analytics goes towards improving the user experience on our site.

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