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Valentine's Day Personas

Everyone holds a different opinion on Valentine’s Day, from those who think it’s completely pointless to those who celebrate it religiously every year. Below are different Valentine’s day personas you will find, which one are you? 

The Forever Alone


How many Valentine’s days they have been alone, sad song lyrics, their ex, disgust / jealousy of public displays of affection, negative thoughts about themselves but don’t do anything to change. 

Favourite things:

Pizza, Netflix, whole box of chocolates, romantic films that will make them cry.

Where you will find them on Valentine’s Day:

At home delving into a box of chocolates watching a marathon of their favourite TV programme with a big box of tissues and in bed by 9pm. 


The Show Off


Will this year’s presents beat last year, need to take more selfies for the picture frame they will buy me, plans for the day/night, must get a picture of all these gifts for social media.

Favourite things:

Luxury brands, travelling, expensive chocolates, newest technology and dining out. 

Where you will find them on Valentine’s Day:

The fanciest restaurant in the city, the most expensive club, or an all inclusive spa day for some pampering – or not just one of them all of them. 


The Forever Couple


Soppy thoughts and texts to partner, the next time they will see each other, planning date days all the time, how much they are in love, next steps (engagements, house etc) 

Favourite things:

Being in each other’s arms, selfies with each other, sofa days, romantic gestures.

Where you will find them on Valentine’s Day:

By each other’s side. 


The Forever Hopeful


Hopes to have a date next Valentine’s Day, think they will meet someone the next time they are out, believes in fate. 

Favourite things:

Any online dating apps, nights out, meeting new people

Where you will find them on Valentine’s Day:

With their single friends having a dinner party, cinema or out for dinner.


The Traditionalist


Valentine’s Day is all about showing how much you love someone, not all about getting someone something, treasure the time they have with their partner.

Favourite things:

Nothing in particular 

Where you will find them on Valentine’s Day:

With their closest friends and family. 


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Date Posted: Friday 8th February 2019

Author: Charlotte Sneddon

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